Back to the Pi
Well I was going to brief you on the the results of Halo but I only had it going for a few hours.....but I really missed my AOKP features so went back to PACman. Ill go into more details later.
This Post is all about the Raspberry Pi. I had a new project idea; I wanted a working computer in my '00 mustang. All the new fancy cars have soooo why cant mine.
Needless to say I started working here is a preview picture (subject to change)
The big blank spot will be some sort of logo. The current plan is to have full music playback and mechanical features (lights, controls, etc...)
Let me know what you think, or even cool features.
**For those that care written in python 2.7 w/ QT4 utilizing pyuic4
-- Check out the code
This Post is all about the Raspberry Pi. I had a new project idea; I wanted a working computer in my '00 mustang. All the new fancy cars have soooo why cant mine.
Needless to say I started working here is a preview picture (subject to change)
The big blank spot will be some sort of logo. The current plan is to have full music playback and mechanical features (lights, controls, etc...)
Let me know what you think, or even cool features.
**For those that care written in python 2.7 w/ QT4 utilizing pyuic4
-- Check out the code